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1.Free Medical Camp, दिनांक: 22 दिसंबर 2024, रविवार, स्थान: जय आरोग्य अस्पताल, बसंत विहार, ग्वालियर।. Read More                 2. Christmas Offer ( Great Grand Discount ) ₹70,000 Off on Hair Transplant of ₹1,00,000.                 3. Fight Dengue Fever: Prioritize Early Detection and Receive Expert Treatment for a Quick Recovery! Read More


Welcome to Jai Arogya Trauma Center

At Jai Arogya Trauma Center, we continue the legacy of excellence once established as WE CARE Clinic. Our transition to a fully-fledged trauma center reflects our dedication to providing specialized and comprehensive care in emergency and trauma situations.

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